Flying solo.


For the first time in 23 years, I live alone. I’ve always been one for big crowds. I’ve always been very sociable. Truthfully, I’d rather be with people than to be alone. This past week marked one week of living alone. So, God is really trying to get me out of my comfort zone with this task.

The first week came with many challenges, but also with triumphs. I lacked sleep, but I learned to lean on the promise that God is always with me. I struggled with being alone, but I was humbled by the fact that I was strong enough to get through this. I felt alone, but truth is God blessed with many new faces that helped me out in various ways. I’ve learned that I’m capable of more than I give myself credit for. I’ve learned it’s okay to go places alone. I’ve learned cooking for one is a pain. I’ve learned that a good “Dance it out session” can cure about anything. I’ve learned when you accomplish something without any help, you beam with joy.

No matter how lonely it may get living alone, it has taught me more about myself  that I don’t think I could have realized any other way. Sometimes you don’t know how strong you are until being strong is your only choice. ❤

I’m slowly adapting to living alone. This week had promised me more sleep than last week. I mean who knew how much you could get done when you’re just all alone and can’t sleep. In the quietness of it all, I’m reminded God never leaves me. I’m stronger than people give me credit for. Yes, I admit getting used to living alone is diffclut. But I hope that with every difficult task I have faced and will face, people can say I handled it with poise and grace.

I don’t know what you’re going through. Maybe you’re not living alone. Maybe you live in a house full of people, and yet still feel alone. Maybe you’re  in a relationship that leaves you feeling empty. Maybe you’re about to start a new chapter. Whatever you’re going through, rest in the promise that you’re not alone.  Someone else is going through the same thing. So be brave for them, but most importantly. . . for yourself.

But, It’s okay to be scared. You learn more about yourself in the times that you are. And just think, in the Bible the phrase, “Do not be afraid” is written 365 times. . . . Isn’t that a great reminder for us to be fearless?



Catherine ❤

The Beauty in New Beginnings.

DSC_0023Leaving everything behind you’ve ever known can be scary, and more than likely will be.  But for every ending, is a new beginning. Cliché?  Yes.  True? Yes.  When you say “hello” to the new, you also say goodbye to the old you know so well.

But, beginnings are such a beautiful thing.

Tomorrow I will say “goodbye” to a place that has been familiar and comfortable to me my whole life. But, what’s really exciting is the new adventure that awaits me. Despite popular belief, I’ve always known I wasn’t meant to stay in this town forever.  I knew God had a bigger plan for me. Although it’s hard to leave the familiar, it’s also exciting to embrace the new.  The new beginning for me will mean living on my own and being a big girl. It’ll mean starting my career as a teacher, and striving to make a difference.

I don’t know what your new “hello” is.  You might be  saying hello to a new friend, relationship, or new city. . . Or maybe you’re saying goodbye to hurt or the familiarity you’ve known for awhile.  Both are difficult, I know. Don’t focus on the new too much that you loose sight of the goodbyes. Because before your new “hello”, they were the best part  of your previous new beginning .  You learned lessons  from every experience that you can carry to your new beginning.

SO, here’s me embracing this new beginning with a brave heart. I hope whatever beginning or ending you’re going through, that you trust God. I hope if given the chance, you take that opportunity wherever it leads you.  Trust God and know that He is with you in every ending and new beginning. ❤

I ask for prayers as I end a chapter and start a new one. If you’re ending or starting a chapter,  I would love to pray for you as well. Message, comment, or text me. I’m always here, just in another town.




When Prince Charming Doesn’t Come. . .

Two words. . . Prince Charming. It’s something that girls of all ages dream about. You long for the day when he will come and  sweep you off your feet- for the day your dreams will finally come true. You wait and wait, and yet he doesn’t come, or maybe he does. Sometimes we want “Prince Charming” so bad that we will settle for someone that isn’t  who God has for us. We cry because we wanted that person to be the right one.  But, maybe God was saving us from heartache down the road. He knew  that person wasn’t the absolute best for you.

So, while you’re waiting for your “Prince Charming” to come, celebrate singleness. I’ll be first to admit, this is quite difficult. Instead of wishing for him to come, focus on the good things in your life. It’s like the verse, “Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.” (Phil. 4: 8)   Focus on the good. Focus on what you do have. Write a list of things you’re thankful for.  Write down all the crazy dreams inside your head.  Invest your time to help others. Pick up a new hobby. Travel. Don’t be down on yourself just because Prince Charming has arrived yet, or did and wasn’t the Prince Charming you believed him to be.

Don’t let doubt creep into your mind. You, beautiful girl are enough.  Don’t let a guy tell you that you’re not enough. Find your value and worth in  your Creator, You deserve better than the guy that left you. You deserve better than the guy who didn’t fight for you.  Be patient and wait for the guy that God intended you to be with.

Just because you’re single now, doesn’t mean you’ll be single forever. It doesn’t mean you’ll be a crazy cat lady.  Don’t go join a nunnery . ( Just adding a little funny in there. . . PLEASE don’t  do that). It means that at the present moment, you’re enjoying the now  that God has placed you in. While you’re embracing the now, you can continue to pray for your Prince Charming. _MG_7581.jpg



Struggling with the question, “Why.”

IMG_2851I often wonder why certain things just don’t happen?  Questions can bombard a person’s mind. Why didn’t this work out? Why did friendships fade? Why did this person leave me? Why did I not get the job? As Christians,  we all have the mentality to ask, “Why.”  We often want to know the answers right then and there. We fall on our knees asking God these questions. But, you know what? Sometimes God doesn’t give us what we want,  what we think we need, or even answer our “why” questions. And where that is sometimes harsh and difficult to understand . . . (Trust me, I’m first to admit this) We should trust in the one that created us in His own image. We often don’t understand why God says, “no”, or makes us wait. We often follow with the question, “Why God? Why did this happen?” Well, it’s as simple as this. . . God’s “no” is not a rejection, think of it as a redirection. It’s like the saying, “When one door closes, another door opens.” Don’t look at the closed door too long. Let go and Let God. We might not see the other door right away, but trust in Him. God saying “no” right now could lead you to a better yes. His way is perfect. It’s our flesh that makes us want to ask, “why”, but be still and know that He is God. He WILL fight for you. I encourage you today, give your “why” questions to God. Cry out to Him. I promise He wants to hear from you.



Winding down on, “The adventure year of Kitty.”

“And then I realized that adventure was the best way to learn.”

2015 brought many adventures- both big and small. I learned to make every day a thrilling adventure. I could go  on and on about all my adventures this year, but that would take too long. SO, here is a look into two of my favorite adventures.

Adventure#1 –  Joni and Friends IMG_3386.JPG

The year started out with me thinking  that I would begin my last semester of college. But, God had other plans.  Like the quote says, ” When one door closes, another one opens.” January  I found out that I was accepted to be a summer intern with Joni and Friends in California.  If I was to have graduated in May, I probably wouldn’t have been able to accept this internship. Looking back on it, if I didn’t go to California I wouldn’t have met Joni. I wouldn’t have been able to meet  some of my closest friends, I wouldn’t have known about the class , “Beyond Suffering.” It was wonderful to see how my two passions : writing and disabilities come together perfectly.    Joni taught me so much in just the month  I was with her. To see someone who has endured so much  adversity, and yet still  has a smile on her face  is inspiring .  

This adventure brought so many wonderful opportunities. It truly stretched me out of my comfort zone, making me learn so much more about myself.  I could go  on for days about all my adventures both inside the office and beyond. But, I’ll just sum it up by saying,   my adventure in California changed my life. Because of it, I know what I’m meant to do with my life. Luke 14- “invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind and you will be blessed…make them come in so my house will be full.”

Adventure #2 – Special needs baseball IMG_1918.JPG

The  fall of 2015 was a major transition for me. Knowing that I wasn’t returning back to school this semester and missing California had me  down. But, God always knows best.  I was looking for a way to get involved and my lovely friend Marissa suggested I talked to her uncle about helping with baseball. Let me tell you, I’m so glad I did. Those precious souls were the highlight of my Saturday mornings.   I was never short of a smile or hug when I was around them. They truly give you a new perspective on life. I made friends and memories that will last a lifetime.

It’s amazing to think that God knew I would have these adventures. He allowed everything to go on in my life to prepare me for these adventures.  He knew exactly what I needed.  He knew that these  two adventures both came together perfectly.  2015 was a beautiful adventure <3. Stay tuned to discover Kitty’s new theme for 2016.


Kitten ❤



22 things I’ve learned in my 22nd year of life.

_MG_7617.jpg~ Cue Taylor Swift lyrics here ~

As my day of birth is quickly approaching, I have realized I’ve learned a lot  during “The adventure year of Kitty.”   SO, here are just 22 things of the many lessons I’ve learned.

  1. Everything will be alright if you keep dancing like your 22.
  2. Never be afraid to step outta your comfort zone. Besides, that’s where the best things happen. Adventure is out there even in the littlest moments of life.
  3.  My internship in California showed me what I was meant to do for the rest of my life. ❤
  4. I’ve met precious souls that have changed my outlook on life. People that have every right to be mad at life, but choose happiness.
  5. God will always provide. I was overwhelmed with the generosity of people during the year. God always provides for His children.
  6. How to successfully fly alone, and not get lost in LAX.  I’ve learned that I’m capable of doing so much by myself. I’ve proven so many people wrong, and not to sound mean… But, that makes me happy. =)
  7. Meghin Brooks is my person.  My best friend . She has helped me so much this year. She was just want I needed Spring semester. She listened to me cry and rant. Always gives great advice. God knew I needed her. ❤
  8. Not everyone is going to like me, and that’s okay. Not everyone is going to approve of me and my  choices, and that’s okay.  I should only find my approval in God.
  9. Crying is okay. And trust me, I sure have cried a lot .  Take time to just cry it out. Wallow. Having  emotions  and feelings is okay. Just  don’t pity yourself to0 much. Take a moment to cry, and proceed with life.
  10.   That just because I didn’t succeed at first does not make me a failure.  It doesn’t matter how long it takes, as long as I finish.  Failure is not final. IF I take a step back and look at all I’ve learned and accomplished I will see I’m not a failure.
  11.  Take pictures, and lots of them. And by the looks of my Insta and facebook page . . . I sure got that down pat.  But, that’s one thing I don’t regret. Picture’s are captured memories we can never get back. So, I WILL continue to take pictures.
  12. I’m a grandma. I’m an old soul.  I will go to bed early . No shame.
  13. Never Give up. There has been times this year that I’ve wanted to give up, but   what God calls us to, He will bring us through !
  14. I’ve learned not to worry so much. It’ll all be okay. Breathe.  I struggle with this daily .  But, worrying strips us of our joy.  Don’t worry, and let it be.
  15.  I fell in love …. with California.
  16. I learned a lot about myself as a person.
  17. Red lipstick is always classy .
  18. Jam sessions can solve any problem. Tim and Adele . My mains.
  19.  I have California and J&F to thank for my easygoing effortless friendship with KelDog. She keeps me laughing.  ROFL.
  20. Coffee keeps Kitten trucking along. Like, I’m a typical white girl. Duh.
  21.  People will hurt me . People will say mean things about me. But, I shouldn’t listen to that.  I should show them the love that God show’s me. Forgive them, but don’t let them have the privilege of hurting me again.  Some people are meant to only be in your life for season.  But in the words of Tim, “Today, I’m gonna keep on walkin’ I’m gonna hold my head up high.”
  22. “She’s the places that  she has a desire to visit. She’s the pieces  of quotes that are splattered in ink in her favorite books. She’s the roadtrips she hopes to go on. She’s the beautiful characters that mesmerized her in her favorite books. She’s full of dreams, and I hope they all one day come true.”

My 22nd year was an adventure. . . What should my theme for my 23rd  year be ?

Xoxo, Kitten

Praising God in every season

“To  every thing there is a season , and a time to every purpose under the heaven.” (Ecclesiastes 3:1)


I’m a planner. I like to know what’s next. I cringe at the thought of the unknown.

What new season are you going through? Can I remind you that God is there to walk with us through every season. We are not alone. We are put in that “season” to grow and learn.

For me, this fall was a new season. For four years I was at college pursing a degree in English . But, God wanted that season to be put on hold for a semester. I’m not going to lie, at first I didn’t know how I felt about it. I was comforted in the thought that God matures us in these different seasons.

Different people go through different seasons.  Good, bad, happy, and sad endings are all apart of life.  Lean on our precious Jesus when a season ends, and a new one begins. Write a list of things God has taught you and blessed you with during that particular season.  Here are a few things off my list

  • He blessed me with time to spend with my family.
  • Enjoying holidays that I haven’t been able to in years
  • Working with Special Needs Baseball
  • To be grateful for the life He has given me
  • It’s okay to be scared of the unknown, but to ALWAYS trust in Him
  • Adventures and laughter

Seasons are a part of life. Never forget what God has allowed you to learned during this part of life. These lesson you’ve have learned in whatever season you’re going through will help you during the many twists and turns of life.   Embrace these new seasons knowing that God’s got this.

If you would like, please share your list in a comment. I would love to see what God is teaching you in your season. =)

Let’s adventure with Jesus, allowing Him to be our guide through every season.

With love always,
